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Infinite Tai Chi

A new approach to an ancient art

Infinite Chi Gung & Infinite Meditation

What is Infinite Tai Chi ?



Around 20 years ago, having tried different Tai Chi classes and styles in my area and meeting different Chinese masters, I found that like many schools of Yoga at the time, I found these styles had become to dry and dogmatic, and had lost their deeply spiritual essence


I felt that these ancient practices must offer a deeper form of healing and growth not just on a physical but also on the emotional, psychological, energetic & spiritual levels.


Having come from a 15 year Yoga background and teaching meditation, I was looking for something with a depth of energy awareness and spirituality.


It was then that I met Jason Chan the creator of Infinite Tai Chi, Chi Gung & Meditation, and from the first lesson I felt a sense of coming home. In his Infinite Tai Chi, I found a philosophy, practice, a way of moving and energy awareness which resonated deeply within me.

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Very quickly I experienced the potency of Infinite Tai Chi in my whole being; mind, body and soul. My mind became deeply calm and focused , a similar but more profound state than I had found during meditation.


I soon noticed how differently I felt during everyday life, how much more peaceful, intuitive, energised and centered I was becoming.


Shortly after this I entered an Infinite Tai Chi 3 year teacher Training program, as seen in the image above. This 3 year period was the most transformational time of my life; emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. I knew I had finally found my purpose in practicing & teaching this incredible moving art form.


My physical and mental health changed so positively in a short period of time, years of depression and anxiety lifted and my meditations became profound in ways they had never been before. My body became strong and lean and my emotions had a lightness and joy to them.


Since then I have never looked back, working full time as a Tai Chi instructor with 100's of people every week in my various classes. I continually see huge shifts in my students health and well being and this is no surprise as in studies Tai Chi has been seen to:


  • Help people live longer

  • Improve muscle strength, balance and flexibility.

  • Boost cognitive function.

  • Creates improvements in cardiovascular fitness.

  • Help people get a better night-time sleep quality.

  • Reduce risk of falls.

  • Reduce anxiety and depression.

  • Help with Arthritic pain

My offering to you


It is my great pleasure to make these teachings and classes available to you on line and in person, teaching you what I've learnt over this past 20 years of being a student and teacher of Infinite Tai Chi, Chi Gung, Yoga and meditation practices.


I offer down to earth, practical, non dogmatic teachings, which come from my own direct experiences and that of my students over the last 15 years. I choose not to refer to myself as a master or Sifu, as I don't think we ever get there, but remain a constant and humble student of these art forms.

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Your approach to Infinite Tai Chi 


One of the things I love about Infinite Tai Chi is that you can do it at your pace, meaning it can be done in a very dynamic and powerful way or in a more traditional gentle, slow and calming way.


In Infinite Tai Chi you learn to adjust the practice to your own body. This means its accessible to everyone, from older people with limited abilities to athletes and yoga practitioners. You learn to practice in a way that feels right for your body and energy system.  


On this site you will find everything you need to get you on your way, from a beginners area of pre- recorded sessions, taking you from week one onwards, through to live weekly sessions with me featuring beginners, intermediate and advanced classes. You will also receive complimentary lessons, which I've put together to help you deepen your journey such as various live Meditation and Chi Yoga sessions, you will also find information on my new outdoor classes.



The benefits of my on line classes


Training with me online takes your experience to another level, it gives you a front row, prime position place in each class, It takes away the anxiety of being looked at by other students as you do your practice. It allows you to set your own sacred environment during the class, play your own music or practice in silence. It takes away journey time and expenses, lessening the weekly cost to you.


The recordings of the live classes allow you to pause a class, to play back your favorite classes again, paying more attention to moves and teachings you want to repeat and deepen into. Joining my online classes is like having a 1-1 session with me in your own house as many times a week as you want.


These classes are live but recorded too, meaning you can fit them into your own schedule each week, joining in live or watching them back later, so you never have to miss a class again. And the technology couldn't be more simple, a mixture of YouTube content that can be mirrored from a Smart Phone, PC or Tablet directly to your smart TV, Firestick or Google Chromecast. And on site, high quality video uploads with music and voice over so you can work on your flow.  


I can say confidently that these classes will change your life in all areas, giving you the tools to live a more vibrant, happy, intuitive and energised life, yet also with a sense of inner peace and centerdness. The classes on this site offer you any level of practice you want, you can dip in and out of them for a little energy boost, or become a dedicated Tai Chi student practicing regularly throughout the week and deepening into your own healing journey.

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