Is this work right for you ?
This group work and 1-1 training is for you, if you want to learn how to live more intuitively, from a place of wisdom, love and inner guidance, to realise that the ultimate teacher, healer and guide for all areas of your life, is already within you.
This training will help you find answers to all of life’s questions: Who am I, Why am I here, What am I meant to be doing?
This training is for anyone who wants to heal and break free from their limiting beliefs patterns
All of our lives we have been told not to trust our inner knowing, to place power, guidance and wisdom on the outside of ourselves, to become reliant on external sources such as books, teachers and authority. This course will introduce you to your inner teacher.
All of the ancient traditions tell us that we have a still calm inner voice of guidance, wisdom and love, designed to be like a compass, guiding us towards success and happiness.
Until we awaken to that innner voice, we will remain limited, sick, exhausted, confused about our purpose, disconnected from our source and not trusting or even believing in our own inner authority.
“I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul” - Rumi
“I shall lose my usefulness the moment I stifle the still small voice within” - Gandhi​
Why I teach this work
My own higher self started to speak to me during a meditation experience at a workshop 20 years ago. At first in images and short phrases. then it started to show up in my dreams, giving me meditations and techniques in how to connect with it more clearly on a daily basis. It has now become my constant companion, guiding me through the highs and lows of life with precision and ease.
Like all of us, I still have this little confused, lost and uncertain ego which I call ‘me.’ And then I have my higher self, which is all knowing, and has an incredible ability for healing of psychological, emotional and physical trauma, guiding me each day towards an ever expanding version of myself, living out my soul purpose here on earth.
The more faith I’ve put in my higher self, the more beautiful my life has become. It’s like having an internal compass drawing in coincidences, and carrying me effortlessly to more fulfilling experiences in all areas of my life.
At the beginning of 2024 my higher self told me it was nearly time to start teaching other people the methods I’ve been taught from within and alchemised in my own life, in how to live guided by this soul consciousness.
Entering summer of 2024, I've now been told it’s time to launch this course and start teaching these techniques to others.
I've already started to see miracles of transformation and inner guidance happen to people I’ve been working with on a one-to-one basis. And now I’m looking to take my first group on this incredible 8 week Odyssey, experiencing the higher self in their own lives.
Jane Seymoure, UK
"Graeme holds space beautifully with such care and respect, creating an environment where you feel truly held, supported and safe."
Steve Daniels, UAE
"Graeme brings a genuinely loving, empathetic presence to our work, creating a safe container for all of my issues, creating profound healing experiences as well as providing practices that maintain my momentum between sessions."
Lisa Driver, FL
"I work with plenty of coaches and mentors so my bar is pretty high. Yet he was able to exceed my expectations, as he clearly knows a lot about the topics that he teaches and has deep personal experince in the field."
The principal teachings of this course
You can allow your highest self to guide you in your life in many different ways. During this course we will be focusing on the higher self as a daily teacher, healer and guide. You will learn how to use meditation as a tool to open to it, and how to use your imagination to follow its guidance and healing.

You can book your place on the programme by choosing one of these options
Follow at your own pace and in your own way, and as much as I recomend joining us for the live webinars each week, you can also receive the recorded version of the teachings each week and do it at your own pace.
Here is the link to book your space on the course work with a single payment:
​Or contact me directly for 1-1 training.
​Or you can book you place by starting a payment plan here:

A solid foundation for the rest of your life
You will get all the support you need:
8 powerful 2 hour webinars with a me.
A Facebook group where we can have regular check-ins before and after the course.
Recordings of all the teachings and meditations for you to revisit at any time.
Future access to have one-to-one sessions with me at a reduced rate if desired.
Recorded guided meditations and healing practices to watch any time.
These teachings will stay with you for the rest of you life
By the end of this course, you will have all the tools necessary to live life in alignment with your soul. You will have absolute confidence in how to trust your own inner voice and you will be aligned with a wisdom, love and guidance you may have never known was available to you before.
Over the 8 modules we will cover:
Meditations for tuning in to your higher self.
The power of heart prayer.
Realigning with the divine masculine & feminine archetypes.
How to use the vibration of the higher self for healing.
How to receive daily guidance.
How to find your life purpose.
The power of asking the right questions.
Finding solutions using divination & cards.
How to discern the souls voice, from the egos voice.
How to stay aligned with your soul every day.
The course dates for 2024 are as follows:
Dates : Thursdays 7-9pm: 12th September - 1st November 2024