Online Community classes
Daily classes for the elderly, those with limited mobility & their carers
Chair Based Tai Chi
Chi Gung
Tai Chi
Yoga for stress relief
During 2020 it has become even more important for those more vulnerable members of society to be able to access online services to help boost both their physical and mental health.

I come from a multi disciplinary background, developing these online classes after having worked in the field of Mental Health as a lead trainer in Mental Health Awareness and Depression & Anxiety management for MIND. Also as a trained Counselor and Yoga, Meditation and Tai Chi teacher in the community, developing both Standing and Chair Based Yoga & Tai Chi classes for Charities such as:
The Stroke association
Motor Neuron Disease Association
This new way of accessing my classes started here in March of 2020 as an online portal for my existing students to keep up with their classes and practices during the corona virus lock down. However quickly it became clear of the need to make these classes available to a wider community of people with limited mobility.
What I offer
I offer a wide variety of classes on-line from Chair Based sessions such as 'Chair Gung' which mixes chair based Tai Chi movements with gentle stretches and mindfulness, to standing practices Tai Chi, Mindfulness & Relaxation, all done via ZOOM for community groups.
This means I can tailor make the classes for your individual needs.

The classes are divided into 3 categories;
Easy which means they are Chair Based and available to almost everyone including carers. These classes are aimed at service users who have limited mobility.
Moderate which means they tend to be standing with bigger stretches but can be adapted to chair based by some people. These classes are aimed at service users and carers who have reasonably good mobility and can stand.
Advanced meaning these classes are for people in reasonably good health who have been practicing Tai Chi for a while (usually for more than year).
I have various pricing plans available to meet every budget, for both one off classes and regular sessions. Please do get in touch with me and we can discuss what is possible for you, as I am continuously developing these services in partnership with service users and staff, to ensure that these classes really add value and support you to meet the needs of your organisation.