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The False Self, True Light, and the Way of Love

Writer's picture: Graeme WaterfieldGraeme Waterfield

This morning, I found myself reflecting on The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. The scene that often comes to mind is when Santiago and the Alchemist are captured by a hostile tribal group while traveling through the desert.

When the tribal leader asks the Alchemist what he is carrying in his bag, the Alchemist calmly replies, “It is a tool used for turning lead into gold.” The leader dismisses them as crazy and lets them go.

This reminds me of Lao Tzu’s teaching:

“People don’t understand the true way of things (Tao) because it’s too simple for their complicated minds.”

I see this in my own life, observing how my neurodivergent mind and nervous system often get stuck in hypervigilance, caught in spirals of negative scenarios and outcomes.

Yet, there is another part of me—the calm observer. This part of my being watches the “crazy monkey mind” with love and peace. When I connect with that state of consciousness, my mind naturally begins to calm.

The Soul’s Loving Gaze

When we first begin spiritual practices, we might only get occasional glimpses of this calm, embodied beingness. Over time, we start to realize that this is who we are.

While the mind dreams itself into nightmares of triumph and disaster, the soul simply watches, lovingly and patiently.

The soul isn’t born of this world; it is already connected to the source of its own existence. It carries infinite wisdom, healing energy, and the ability to bring alignment to the body and mind.

The more we come to recognize ourselves as a soul inhabiting a body, the freer we become. The more we rely on the source of existence as our guide, the more we align with love.

I often call this space the kingdom of heaven, though that phrase reflects my personal lens, which carries a tint of the masculine. Yet, the light beyond it transcends all human concepts and ideas.

Choosing Positivity in the Face of Darkness

Sometimes, I feel a sense of guilt or fear when I share messages about love, positivity, and light. It’s as though I can feel the collective darkness—the trauma and wounding in others—ready to push back, to accuse me of spiritual bypassing or toxic positivity.

But here’s the truth: I choose beauty, positivity, light, and love to navigate my own darkness. It’s how I free myself from the grip of my shadows.

I’ve reached a point in my journey where I no longer feel the need to dim my light to avoid triggering others. I am done hiding this light under a bushel.

It’s not that I haven’t experienced darkness—in fact, it was in the depths of my darkness that I found the light. It was in moments of despair that I realized I had to turn toward positivity.

One of the most profound turning points in my life came during a time of depression. I was guided to ask myself:

What can I do right now? What can I do today to be happy?

The answer, time and time again, was to choose love. To become love. To meet each moment in alignment with love’s truth.

A Silent Revolution of Love

This feels like a silent revolution—a revolution not of violence or anger but of choosing light over darkness, peace over hatred.

I look to the great prayers of lightworkers like Christ and Saint Francis of Assisi, whose words remind us of the power of love:

Make me an instrument of your peace:

where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

where there is sadness, joy.

As lightworkers, we may feel like sheep among wolves, as Christ described. We may be attacked or misunderstood for speaking about love and light. But we must continue.

The Challenge of Staying in the Light

In the early stages of my spiritual journey, I encountered lower-frequency entities—both in physical and astral experiences. These beings were highly intelligent, capable of gaslighting every ounce of compassion in my heart.

When they couldn’t control me from within, they sought to dim my light through external means, often using the wounds of others.

But today, I choose happiness. I come back to love’s peace, standing more fearlessly in the light.

Navigating Life with the Soul as a Guide

There are moments when I feel abandoned by the loving intelligence that often feels so present and supportive. Sometimes everything seems clear; other times, there is only the mist of uncertainty and pain.

Success might come, only to be taken away later, leaving me struggling. Yet, looking back, I’ve learned to find the same loving guidance in both struggle and success.

While my physical self fusses, fights, and panics in its search for peace, my soul remains calm. It observes lovingly, eternally connected to the source of light from which it came.

This is why Christ taught us not to attach ourselves to the treasures of the Earth but to find fulfillment in the treasures of heaven—treasures that are always with us.

And so, I return.

I come back to my body, to the Earth beneath my feet.

I dance.

I shake my body.

I become still and listen to the guidance within—not my fearful mind, but the serenity of my soul.

The mist clears, and the whisper returns:

“Don’t worry. I’m taking care of it all.”

In that moment, I merge with the Tao, the way of things. I find patience, like a dog waiting in a storm to hear the call of its master.

You Are Loved

I believe we all need to inhabit this as a core belief: You are loved. You matter.

Many of the world’s traumas stem from people who haven’t embraced this truth within themselves.

As I finished my meditation tonight, I asked the great presence of life for a message for the world. The answer was simple:

You are loved.

Let this truth guide you, heal you, and call you home.

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